Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why Powerful Men Behave Badly, Why Powerful Women Dont

Why Powerful Men Behave Badly, Why Powerful Women Don't Why do so many sex scandals involve men of influence and power? Whether theyre politicians, heads of state or business leaders, powerful men are frequently linked to incidents involving cheating, infidelity, prostitution, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and other inappropriate behavior toward women. Why do we rarely see powerful women in the same situation? Experts on human behavior suggest it may come down to biology and opportunity. Prolific Equals SurvivalTIME senior editor Jeffrey Kluger reminds us of some basic science: Human males have never been thought of as models of sexual restraint - and with good reason....The goal of any organism, after all, is to ensure the survival and propagation of its genes, and males - far more so than females - are eminently equipped to do that. Even the worlds most reproductively prolific mothers rarely produce more than eight or nine children in a lifetime. Males can conceive everyday, even multiple times a day, and come emotionally hardwired to do just that. What are females hardwired to do? Select and mate with males who will provide good genes and stick around long enough to help ensure their offspring will reach maturity. Preferring Powerful MalesDavid Carrier, a University of Utah biology professor, explains why in the animal kingdom, females prefer powerful males: From the perspective of sexual selection theory, women are attracted to powerful males, not because powerful males can beat them up, but because powerful males can protect them and their children from other males. What physical power and brute strength is to the animal kingdom, political power is to the human race. And the greater the amount of power and control, the greater the access to desirable females and the more opportunity to mate. More Power, More SexDarwinian historian Laura Betzig who has studied sex and politics for decades, ties power to sex  as far back as the royal fertility rites in Sumer nearly 6,000 years ago. Attractive females became a commodity when Egyptian kings demanded beautiful servant girls from their provincial governors. Betzig provides examples across cultures and centuries to illustrate her point: the more powerful a man/monarch/ruler is, the more women he has sex with. She cites R.H. van Guliks survey Sexual Life in China to illustrate the power/sex differential: [Gulik] says that by the 8th century BC, kings kept one queen (hou), three consorts (fu-jen), nine wives of second rank (pin), 27 wives of third rank (shih-fu), and 81 concubines (yu-chi). That was the tip of the iceberg: imperial harems numbered in the thousands. Lesser men kept fewer women. Great princes kept hundreds; minor princes, 30; upper middle-class men might have six to 12; middle class men might have three or four. The Point of Politics is SexBetzig draws comparisons to Darwin and his theory of natural (and sexual) selection which posits that the whole point of competition is reproduction, and sums it up simply: To put it plainly, the point of politics is sex. Much has changed since ancient China. Most of the world does not regard the unfettered conquest of females as either politically prudent or culturally acceptable. Yet some political leaders (especially married ones) still behave as if the more women they bed, the better. Sexual HubrisThe Washington Post referred to this as a leaders sexual hubris† and like Betzig, Kluger and Carrier acknowledged that leadership has long been associated with sexual dominance throughout history and within the animal kingdom. Though current social norms create pressure to squelch that sort of behavior, it erupts with such regularity that the Post asked a panel of experts: Why do so many leaders fall prey to confusing power with sexual charisma? Because It CanBusiness owner and consultant Lisa Larson likens sexual hubris to a dog licking its nether regions it happens because it can: As Baron Acton said, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Inappropriate sexual conduct is a form of corruption.... She opines that men may be spurred by two reasons: The first is what I call Revenge of the Nerds....when someone who could achieve great things academically but suffered through romantic rejection during their youth suddenly find themselves in a position to be able to get what they want....The second is what I call the Sally Field syndrome they like me, they really like me....Power is sexy and people in positions of power often find themselves recognized in public, being praised and flattered as never before. Its hard for that not to go to your head. Power as AphrodisiacMarie Wilson, founder and president of The White House Project and the co-creator of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, focuses more on the seductive power of power. She acknowledges that the sexual jolt power conveys is rarely discussed: Power is the most potent aphrodisiac. Forget oysters, power is at the top of the menu when it comes to sexual arousal.... We caution powerful people about how their power needs to be carefully used when it comes to making decisions that affect their office or enterprise, but I wonder how many are warned about the new magnetism they suddenly have (and wont have once their power is gone)....Because our sexual power is tied into our ego, as the political ego develops, so may political id... [T]he sexual undercurrent running through politics is strong, and its used all the time openly or behind the scenes. But its a power source that has to be reckoned with in leadership, and one that is all to rarely discussed outside of the lascivious details when a scandal erupts. Equal Opportunity CorruptionWilson doesnt believe that powers sexual potency is gender specific. She shares her own experience of winning a local election and finding that men contacting her were interested in more than constituent services. Like Wilson, Kluger also acknowledges that power and sex can corrupt women just like men and describes the work of Larry Josephs, a professor of psychology at Adelphi University, who uses a new measure of behavior thats called the dark side: Men, certainly, arent the only people who abuse their power sexually. Women exhibit the dark side...too, and can become accustomed to power and its perks as easily as a man can. Whats more, testosterone, a primal driver of dominance behavior, is not the exclusive province of men either. Women produce testosterone just like men do, even if at different levels, says Josephs. That means women have testosterone-driven tendencies as well, and that pays dividends. Dominant animals tend to be more reproductively successful whether theyre male or female. Its true that very few headlines highlight the sexual indiscretions of powerful women and no politically prominent female thus far has been accused of rape or sexual assault. But that may change as increasing numbers of women rise to positions of political power. Women have been seeking the same opportunities as men for centuries. Once those opportunities are realized and we achieve some semblance of equality, will we successfully avoid the dark side or victimize others as weve been historically victimized? Sources:Betzig, Laura. Sex in History.  Michigan Today, March 1994.Kluger, Jeffrey. The Caligula Effect: Why Powerful Men Compulsively Cheat. 17 May 2011.Larson, Lisa. The female advantage. 11 March 2011.Pearlstein, Steve and Raju Narisetti. A leaders sexual hubris? 11 March 2010.Standing up to fight. 23 May 2011.Wilson, Marie. Beware new leaders. 12 March 2010.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Fallacies Straw Man Arguments

Fallacies Straw Man Arguments Fallacies: Straw Man Arguments Sadly, straw man arguments do not involve literal scarecrows. Rather, they are a type of fallacy: i.e., an argument that sounds convincing but contains hidden mistakes. But what exactly does a straw man argument involve? And how can you avoid them in your written work? What Is a Straw Man Argument? Could you beat this guy in an argument? Building a â€Å"straw man† implies constructing an idea that is easy to argue against rather than engaging with the real issue. This typically involves distorting your opponent’s ideas or beliefs to make it easier to refute them (even if you’re not â€Å"refuting† their actual arguments). For example, imagine an argument between Cheryl and Bob: Cheryl: Parents have a responsibility to expose their kids to learning at home as well as at school. Bob: Pedagogical theories that claim children don’t benefit from school are no use to anyone. Bob’s argument here is a â€Å"straw man† because he has misinterpreted what Cheryl was saying. And instead of responding to her suggestion that education can occur outside the classroom, he is arguing against something she never said: that children don’t benefit from school. Most straw man arguments are subtler than this. But they all involve misrepresenting someone to make it easier to win an argument. How to Avoid Straw Man Arguments It is possible to make a straw man argument without realizing it. This can happen, for example, if we don’t fully understand something that we are arguing about in a college paper. As such, to avoid this fallacy in your work, you should always: Read your source closely. And when you’ve read it once, re-read it so you have a full understanding of what the author is saying. Keep close track of your sources and cite them clearly. This will ensure you’re always engaging closely with the person you’re arguing against. Be charitable when interpreting your opponent’s arguments. Are you sure they mean what you think they mean? What else could they be saying? Look for sources that defend the position you’re arguing against. If they make good points, acknowledge and engage with these ideas in your work. Remember you’re trying to find the truth. If you need to distort someone’s ideas to beat them in an argument, you’re missing the point! With the above in mind, you should be able to avoid making straw man arguments. And if you’d like help expressing yourself clearly, don’t forget to get your work proofread.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment One Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment One Statistics - Essay Example The researcher makes a general conclusion that all birds prefer to swim in the water. The researcher makes an error because the researcher was instructed to observe birds. Consequently, the researcher should have complied with the research conditions. The researcher should have observed all types of birds. For example, there are different types of birds. The seagulls fly over the waters to feed on fishes trying to take in air from the water’s surface. The monkey-eating eagles are eagles that eat monkeys for food. The swallow are small birds. The chickens prefer to stay on the ground, instead of swimming on the water. The Swan is a beautiful white bird that swims effortlessly inside a body of water. The ostrich is a bird that is as big a human being. Second, the researcher makes a general conclusion based on a certain group or community (Brady 138). For example, the researcher observes a group of Eskimo residents in their Igloo homes. The researcher, an Alaska resident, makes a n erroneous conclusion that human beings can freely live in an icy condition. The researcher makes general the conclusion that people are comfortable living and working in the subzero weather conditions. To correct the erroneous inquiry outcome, the researcher should have invited people to stay in Alaska, a subzero icy location. The African resident who arrives in Alaska’s subzero weather conditions will surely feel uncomfortable in the icy weather. The African resident is used to the hot 110 degree desert weather. The African resident will feel uncomfortable using the thick Eskimo dress. The same resident African resident will feel uncomfortable moving around the icy land surface using a sledge. Further, the rainforest resident would also feel uncomfortable living in the Igloos. The same rainforest would not engage in one’s favorite beach activities because the icy waters are too cold for human swimming. The rainforest citizen may not accept the sudden change of envir onment from the comfortable familiarity of the rains of the Amazon rainforest to the subzero weather condition. Third, the researcher makes illogical research reasoning (Schell 93). The researcher can make erroneous observation by implicating a wrong statistical procedure. For example, the total of the male count is erroneous written as 10 instead of the correct 1,000. If the true female count is 200, the wrong male count shows erroneous findings that the female respondents are more than the male respondents. Likewise, erroneous mixing up the data will generate a wrong research outcome. Consequently, the other research findings will erroneously crop up. The other research findings may include the erroneous finding that the males are erroneously better than females, in terms of making daily choices. Question 2. Inductive and deduction research. Deductive research starts from the general and finishes with the specific (Bachman 48). The researcher observes several animals. The research er observes that eagle has wings. The researcher also sees that the ostrich has wings. The researcher kingfisher bird has wings. Lastly, the researcher sees several ducks and swans effortlessly swimming in the nearby lake. Based on the researcher’s observation of the different types of birds, the researcher makes a concept or theory that all birds have wings. On the other hand, inductive research starts with the specific and finishes with

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Premier oil company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Premier oil company - Essay Example This paper will use the Porter’s forces to analyze Premier Oil environment. Force One: Buyer Bargaining Power The negotiating power of purchasers for Premier Oil is fairly moderate but projected to increase due to high demand from emerging nations in Africa and Asia and their energy demands will have to be met. Crude oil, therefore, is extremely crucial as these emerging nations use a projected 20% of energy supplied from oil. Intrinsically, in the present day world, oil has grown more into a commodity rather than a necessity owing to the underscoring of greener, alternate energy such as hydrogen-cell power-driven vehicles (Financial Times 2013). Force Two: Threat of Substitutes The lure of alternate energy has inflicted a bigger problem to the crude oil business today than it has ever had. Alternatives for bio-fuel or hydrogen cell driven vehicles are easily available to the people. Even nowadays, homes are fitted with solar-energy panels plus they are subsidized by governmen t subventions to counterbalance the huge startup costs required. The implications of automobile to the environment have rendered to the innovation of ‘bridge technologies’ or techno-fixes. This is because crude oil products such petroleum when used in automobile they release harmful gases into the environment. The availability of these techno-fixes is to offer an alternative for petroleum; such include hydrogen gas as energy. In respect to industrial life cycle, these techno-fixes represent the decline phase in which the industry may be supplemented by a new substitutes. However, while oil is even now a main energy fabricator, the premier oil company must study and develop fresh product, which can contend with these options. This is crucial for sustainability as well as for the productivity and development of the firm (History 2009). Force Three: Supplier Power The suppliers’ bargaining influence is low owing to the many corporations, which are frontrunnerswithin the oil business. The multinational companies, which entirely regulate the integration system forward and backward, power the immense bargaining influence of suppliers. The oligarchy system operates in favor of oil corporations, which provide distinct and exclusive products, which are ‘green friendly’ too to the surroundings. This alternative or ‘green friendly’ energy also poses a risk to the market-share since it generates future rivals to obtain market-share through their eco-friendly alternatives. Lastly, the multinational companies like premier oil hold a well-recognized brand image, which generates customer loyalty as well as similar familiarities for the contractors (Financial Times 2013). In respect to industrial life cycle, the phase where a company has established the dominant design is the innovation phase. Premier oil is always striving to acquire innovations and technologies to meet the consumer needs. Force Four: Rivalry amid Existing Busines ses The competitiveness within the business is very great and the bantam room for growth goes unmerited. The total number of other multinational oil companies vertically incorporated throughout diverse regions from the continent to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Internet Censorship Issue Essay Example for Free

Internet Censorship Issue Essay We are exposed to various dangers of the known and unknown kind in this physical world we live in. As such, we are always on the lookout for warning and danger signals regarding problems we may encounter. Our protection from these dangers come in the form of laws, law enforcers, and guidelines that help provide us with a semblance of security and protection. We are protected from unnecessary influences of the mass media by censorship rules designed to temper and minimize the effects of violence, pornography, and other strong yet bad influences on our being. We do not have those safety nets in place, although it is really a necessary precaution, when we use the Internet. This is why I am in favor or Internet filtering in schools and all public libraries. My parents and I are well informed about the dangers posed by unsupervised Internet usage. That is why my parents installed an Internet filtering system in our computer at home. They love me dearly and do not want any harm to come my way nor do they want me to be exposed to anything that could pose a potential danger to my person. But, they cannot spend all their time watching me as I use the Internet for my various activities from day to day. They also do not expect themselves or me to know which disguised websites would be detrimental to myself since all the Internet sites are designed to entice unknowing visitors into their sites. This is why they installed the Internet filter. To act as a back up guide in order for me to informed decisions about which websites will be good to visit and those not fit for people of my age. As such, they put blind faith and trust into the school system hoping that the system also does their part in protecting me from these potential dangers. The school accomplishes this task by installing Internet Filtering programs in the library computers. These programs are designed to aid the school in making sure that students library Internet privileges are not abused, nor used for illegal activities such as online gambling and accessing porn sites. The Internet use remains indirectly supervised for the students and the schools own protection. The Internet has become far more influential than the television in educating the children and allowing them to pursue their interests. It is a learning tool that can help develop a students interest and skills just as fast as the wrong Internet exposure can destroy that very same promising student. This is why Internet filtering should become a standard in all school and public library computers across the country.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pull and Push Factors for American Immigrants :: essays research papers

America in the early 1900?s was a giant melting pot of cultures. More than 1 million people per year relocated to ?The Promised Land?, for a chance to start over, escape poverty, war and many other push factors. But soon upon arriving, they realized that America was not the same land they expected. They faced many hardships and living conditions were bad. Often, immigrants left their native countries because of push factors such as war, famine, hard times & epidemics and the government (Docs.1 and 2). These immigrants listened and heard about stories of America. Propaganda led some people to believe that the streets were paved with gold and anyone who went to America can become rich. Millions of immigrants, mostly from European countries, packed their bags and traveled to this unknown place in search of jobs, a better education, and a new life. (Doc. 3) With increased immigration, open hostility towards these foreigners was shown more often. (Doc.4) Approximately 70% of the workforce was occupied by immigrants around this decade. This led to protests and a temporary immigrant quota. Nativism is an example of one of the many hardships immigrants had to overcome. Because America was a developing industrial nation around the early 1900s, people from everywhere flocked to cities. As these cities became urbanized, there wasn?t enough living area to accommodate the millions of people. Several families lived together in tiny tenements that were often dangerous and lacked sunlight and air (Doc 5). Living conditions were bad, diseases spread like wildfire and the crime rate was high. Language was a major barrier for these foreigners. Many were not given equal opportunities because they were immigrants and had accents. Learning was expensive for these immigrants who received verly little pay. They worked with dangerous conditions and for long hours (Doc. 6) Children worked as well, from selling newspapers to working in factories.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Art of public speaking Essay

Chapter 1: Speaking in public Power of Public Speaking Greek Pericles: one who forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never had thought at all on the subject† Public speaking is consistently rated high on employers lists The Tradition of Public Speaking Historical people who used speaking effectively Similarities and Differences in Public Speaking and Daily Conversation Similarities Organizing your thoughts logically Tailoring your message to your audience Telling a story for maximum impact- building up your story Adapting to listener feedback Differences Speaking to groups is very highly structured Strict time restrictions Most don’t allow for question interruptions (must plan for and anticipate questions that might arise in listeners mind) Public Speaking requires more formal language No slang jargon bad grammar or curse words Highly structured Public Speaking requires a different method of delivery Proper posture, no vocalizing fillers for times ( uhh, urm, ehh) and avoid distracting mannerisms (hand talking) and verbal habits Developing confidence: In your speech class  40 % of people said public speaking was worst fear Everyone gets nervous at speaking, great speakers use this to help their speech Focus on transforming nervousness to one of positive nervousness ( controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for their presentation) Tricks to turn nervousness from negative to positive Get experience in speaking- the more you do it the les scary it will be  because its not new and threatening Be prepared- 1- hours for every minute spoken Pick topics that are close to you Think Positively: 5 positive thoughts for every negative one Visualize you speaking well You don’t look as nervous as you think Public Speaking and Critical Thinking Critical Thinking- focused organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence and the difference between fact and opinion The Speech Communication Process Speaker Be enthusiastic for people to be engaged in your speech Message Have and intended message that will be actually be communicated Keep a narrowed topic Be aware of the message you are sending with your voice, appearance, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact. Don’t let your non verbal cues distract from your intended message Channel- the means by which a message is communicated by Listener-person receiving spoken messages Frame of reference- the total of the listeners knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes Because the speaker and listener will never have the same meaning of a speech itll carry a different meaning for each of them Feedback- messages sent for listener to speaker Interferencee- anything impeding the communication of the message Extental- outside distracting noises or situations Internal- distractions cominmg from the inside of a listner Situation-time and place communication is going down Taioloring a speech to the context of the event (graduation, funeral, church) Public Speaking in a Multicultural World Language is the biggest barrier betweent difference in cultures Enthocentrisim- belief that ones own culture is superior Chapter 2: Ethics and Public Speaking The Importance of ethics Guidelines for ethical speaking Make sure goals are ethically sound Just because your ethical background makes you for an issue someoe who mamkes a descision against you based on their ethics doesn’t make them wrong Be fully prepared for a speech Be prepared because you not only was your time if you speak badly but you waste the individuals in the audiences’ times as well. Be Honest Hiding the truth to protect the vast community isn’t unethical but lying to protect yourself is Don’t juggle statistics, quote outa context, misrepresenting sources, painting tentative findings as finite, citing unique situations as normal representation or substitute innuendo and half-truths for proof Avoid Name calling and abusive language Name calling- the use of stereotypical labels meant to degrade and dehumanize and silence opposing sides. Using such language is a destructive social force and will also make your audience doubt you entire speech and message Plagiarism- passing off someone else’s work as your own without credit Global Plagiarism- copying an entire document or speech verbatim Patchwork Plagiarism- piecing together more than one document and passing of as your own. Can have some transitions but a vast majority is completely copied Incremental Plagiarism- failing to give credit to an author of a quotation or paraphrase of ideas Ways to stop accidental plagiarism Take note of title of document Group/person responsible for the document Date document was last updated Date site was accessed Guidelines for ethical listening Be courteous and attentive Avoid prejudging the speaker Maintain free and open expression of ideas Chapter 3: Listening Listening is Important Listening- pay close attention to and making sense of what we hear Good listening improves efficient, sales, customer satisfaction and employee morale Effective listening correlates to higher grades Listening and Critical Thinking Types of listeners Appreciative listening- listening for pleasure or enjoyment Music movies comedy Empathic listening- listening to provide emotional support for a speaker Friends, family, psychiatrist Comprehensive listening- listening to understand the message of a speaker Class room lecture, listening to directions Critical listening- listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejoicing it Sales pitch, campaign speeches, sermons Four Causes of Poor Listening Not Concentrating Letting your mind wander and not focus on what is being said Listening too hard Trying to remember insignificant amounts of information verses the speakers main points Jumping to conclusions Instead of waiting for answers just assuming the worst and going with it Marking a speakers message as unimportant before even giving them a chance Focusing on delivery and personal appearance How to become a better Listener Take Listening Seriously Be an Active Listener Give your undivided attention to the speaker to genuinely try and understand their point of view Resist distractions Try anticipate what the speaker might say Review what the speaker has already said Don’t be Diverted by Appearance or Delivery Suspend judgment Until you hear the entire speech Set aside your own prejudices, frames of reference and desires to fully  appreciate what the speaker is trying to get across A closed mind is an empty mind Focus your Listening Listen for Main Points Listen for evidence Matched up with the main points to support them Questions to ask about evidence Is it accurate? Is it taken from objective sources? Is it relevant to the speaker’s claims? Is it sufficient to support the speaker’s point? Listen for technique Take note of any speakers techniques of delivering the speech to better your own speech techniques Developing good note taking skills Focus on important main points The key word outline- outline that briefly notes a speakers main points and supporting evidence in rough outline form Chapter 4: Giving Your First Speech Preparing Your Speech Developing your Speech Focusing Your Topic Don’t try and cover everything Stick to the time limit Developing Your Topic Be creative Only use humor if it comes natural and doesn’t offend any one Organizing the Speech Introduction Grab the interests of the audience Orient audience with subject matter of speech Body Organize either chronologically or topically Use effective transitions Limit and focus number of main points Conclusion Relate back to intro without restating Signal that you are concluding End strongly Delivering your Speech Speaking Extemporaneously (appears conversational) A hybrid between writing the whole speech and writing nothing Uses a brief structured outline but uses spontaneity to help fill in the gaps Rehearsing the Speech Presenting the Speech Starting Relaxed natural posture Look confident Plant your feet keep natural small gestures Eye contact Very important and will impress audience Voice Use inflections; don’t go over bored; don’t sound monotone Projection is key SLOW DOWN Chapter 5: Selecting a Topic and a Purpose Choosing a Topic Topics you know a lot about Draws from your own experiences and knowledge Think unusual and unique to you Topics you want to know more about Something you are interested in but have little knowledge in without research Something you have very strong opinions in Brain Storming Personal Inventory Write everything about you( hobbies, experiences, likes, opinions, everything) and decide where to go from there Clustering Make nine lists of about 4-5 entries (people places things events processes concepts natural phemonoms problems and plans) From that big list pick 3-4 entries that interest you and free- associate those out until you get a  unique interesting speech idea Internet Search Scan an online web site based encyclopedia like thing for possible topics Determining the General Purpose To inform Acting like a teacher giving a lecture To persuade Acting like a partisan or advocate Determining the Specific Purpose Narrow down into 1 sentence Tips for formulating the Specific purpose statement Write the Purpose as a complete sentence Express your purpose as a statement, not as a question Avoid Figurative Language Limit to one idea Make sure purpose isn’t vague/ general Phrasing the Central Idea Chapter 6: Analyzing the Audience Audience-Centeredness Important questions Who am I speaking to What do I want them to know/believe/or do as a result of my speech What is the most effective way to compose my speech to get this aim Your classmates as an audience The psychology of audiences People are egocentric and only care about what they are going to get from a speech Your audience will only grasp concepts in their frame of reference Demographic audience analysis Age Each generation has similar general values and experience that shape them differently from the rest Gender Men and woman are not alike in their beliefs so take account of that Religion Sexual Orientation Be inclusive and avoid derogatory terms like lifestyle and homosexual Race, ethnic and cultural Backgrounds Group Memberships BASICALLY BE GENERAL AF AND DON’T STEP ON ANYONES TOES EVER BCZ PEOPLE ARE SENSITIVE Don’t try to fully change their viewpoints just open their minds Situational audience analysis-audience analysis that focuses on situational factors such as size physical setting and the disposition of the audience to the speaker, topic, and occasion Size Larger=more formal Size effects.. Language Choice of appeals Visual aids Physical setting Disposition toward the topic Things that effect the likelihood your audience will be captivated Interest Knowledge and interest goes hand in hand Knowledge Attitude Disposition toward the speaker Talk about things you are an expert on and definitely stay away from things you cant relate to Disposition toward the occasion Don’t go against the norm of typical speeches recognized at such occasions Getting information about the audience Adapting to the audience Chapter 7: Gathering Materials Using your own knowledge and experience Doing library research Resources you should use Librarians Catalogue Reference books Encyclopedias Yearbooks Quotation books Biographical aids Newspaper and periodical databases Academic databases

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Class Distinctions in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay

1984, a novel by English writer George Orwell, was a cautionary tale about the perils of a totalitarian society. Class distinctions are one of the worst dangers that were discussed in the novel. It was portrayed as a means for Big Brother to maintain his rule over Oceania. The different social classes in Oceania viewed each other as competitors for economic, political and social dominance. In the process, the possibility of a political rebellion in Oceania is quelled. Oceania is composed of three social classes: the Inner Party (about 1% of the population), the Outer Party (about 18% of the population) and the Proles (about 81% of the population). The respective lifestyles of these sectors were characterized with inequality – the Inner Party enjoyed more privileges than the Outer Party, although they both made up the Party of Oceania. Members of the Inner Party were accorded key government positions, had larger incomes and lived in luxurious homes. In sharp contrast, members of the Outer Party lived in dilapidated flats. They also had to devote even their spare time to Party activities such as community hikes and games or risk being suspected as a â€Å"traitor† (K-1. com, n. pag. ). The proles are the backbone of Oceania – they are employed in industry and on farms. However, the Party accepts them as members of society only because of their capacity to produce. As a result, the proles live in extreme penury. They reside in districts where there are fewer telescreens and policemen – they don’t have any contact with the state as long as they did not commit any wrongdoing. Consequently, proles can indulge in prohibited things such as prostitution, old books, old furniture and alcohol. The Party, on the other hand, does not pay much attention to what they do – the former regards proles as too uneducated and disorganized to pose as a serious threat to their rule (K-1. com, n. pag. ). Given that the ideology of the Party is Ingsoc (English Socialist Movement), it is ironic that inequality is very rampant among the citizens of Oceania. The novel provided an explanation to this phenomenon through the fictional book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. The latter believed to be written by a certain Emmanuel Goldstein, the leader of the dissident group the Brotherhood. But it turned out that the Thought Police created the book in order to trap Winston Smith (SparkNotes, n. pag. ). The book’s first chapter, Ignorance is Strength, argued that human societies are traditionally divided into three classes: the High, the Middle and the Low. The objective of the High is to uphold its dominance over society. The goal of the Middle, on the other hand, is to attain the status of the High. As for the Low, it is too busy trying to find a way out of poverty to be concerned with matters that do not directly affect it. As a result, struggles throughout history share the same pattern. The Middle overthrows the High with the help of the Low in the name of justice and liberty. Once the Middle becomes the High, it thrusts the Low back to its original marginalized position. A new Middle group will then emerge to repeat the cycle. The second chapter, Freedom is Slavery, was explained to Winston by O’Brien. According to O’Brien, the goal of attaining freedom is useless due to the inevitability of death. Thus, when â€Å"Freedom is Slavery† is reversed to â€Å"Slavery is Freedom,† it is implied that complete submission to the Party will grant an individual freedom in the form of experiencing the Party’s immortality and omnipotence. The third chapter, entitled War is Peace, first identified the three superstates of the world: Oceania (the United States and the British Empire), Eurasia (Russia and Europe) and Eastasia (China, Japan and Korea). The chapter went on to argue that these superstates waged war with one another for economic reasons – they wanted to gain unlimited access to the natural resources of foreign lands and to find new markets in which they could dump their surplus goods. Furthermore, war in itself is already a possible solution to an economic slump. An increase in the number of jobs in the defence sector due to war will increase economic activity by increasing the income of consumers (NewspeakDictionary. com, n. pag. ). Big Brother remained in power in Oceania through class distinctions. Class distinctions kept the people divided and fighting among themselves. As a result, Big Brother was able to manipulate them into serving his interests. The longer the people remained divided, the longer they remained enslaved.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Program Essays

Corporate Social Responsibility Program Essays Corporate Social Responsibility Program Paper Corporate Social Responsibility Program Paper Essay Topic: The Social Contract Is corporate social responsibility a new business trend or perhaps a source for competitive advantage? It definitely is a catchphrase of the early 21st century business. The impact of business on the social and natural environment has been more or less under discussion for the past 40 years but in recent years it has become one of the most relevant issues in the business environment. Investors, academics, NGOs and business consultants are all talking about corporate social responsibility. In this report, I attempt to show the corporate social responsibility program at Deutsche Post DHL from a self-reporting and an outside-image view. Moreover, I will introduce the different levels of CSR as well as the conflict between Corporate Social Performance (CSP) and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP). Furthermore, I will discuss the moral foundation of Deutsche Post DHL. In my proposition, the paper will be divided into the following three main parts: critical analysis of the Deutsche Post DHL program, CSR debates and moral foundation. The first part will show the diversity of social engagements at Deutsche Post DHL. I intend to point out the three main focus areas – environment, disaster management and education, rather than focusing on individual projects. Furthermore, this section should include an overview of the positive and negative critique of the CSR program at Deutsche Post DHL. The second part will deal with the conflict between CSR and CFP and Corporate Social Performance (CRP). Subsequently to the theory, I will answer two questions: 1. Does Deutsche Post DHL benefit from its social and environmental activities? 2. What CSP-levels did Deutsche Post DHL reach so far? The last part explains the moral philosophy of Aristotle and to what extend the CSR program of Deutsche Post DHL is based on this moral foundation. As a result, I aim to demonstrate that on the one hand, the company is able to help the society and to minimize its negative impact on the environment. On the other hand, the company is trying to maximize its profit. At the end, I conclude that Deutsche Post DHL is seriously engaging in corporate social responsibility but the company does not stop thinking about its financial performance. 2. Introduction The discussion about companies’ social and corporate responsibility is gaining importance in the past years. The state, employees and other stakeholders demand more than profit maximization. Companies are asked to operate socially responsible. The fundamental idea is about a give-and-take basis. A variety of companies recognized already the importance of giving and they are presenting themselves as socially responsible. But many of them are doing it, because they want to get a profit out of it. Through a look inside a company, one can observe that at the back of obvious social activities, companies are profit maximizing with their engagements. In order to identify the exact reasons, why a company may engage in CSR, this report will focus on a single company – Deutsche Post DHL. Deutsche Post DHL is the world’s leading postal and logistics group. Its integrated DHL and Deutsche Post brands offer comprehensive services in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation and contract logistics. Deutsche Post is Germanys only universal provider of postal services and delivers mail and parcel in Germany and the world. The Group generated revenue of more than 46 billion Euros in 2009 with over 470,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories (cf. Annual Report, 2009). As such, Deutsche Post DHL has a special responsibility to use its core expertise to the benefit of society and to continuously minimize its negative impact on the environment. 3. Methods The purpose of this paper is to obtain knowledge about CSR and to analyze the CSR program at Deutsche Post DHL critically. Therefore, I will illustrate how Deutsche Post DHL presents its CSR program. I intend to point out the three main focus areas – environment, disaster management and education, rather than focusing on individual projects. Additionally, this part will give a summary of the positive and negative critique of the CSR program at Deutsche Post DHL. With these critiques, one will be able to prove the reliability of the CSR program at Deutsche Post DHL. In the second section, I will focus on the conflict between the stakeholders and the shareholders perspective. Furthermore, I will give an overview of the different elements in Corporate Social Performance: social responsibility, social responsiveness and social issues. Subsequently to the theory, the report will demonstrate how Deutsche Post DHL implemented the theory. Additionally, the report aims to show Deutsche Post DHL’s level of CSP. After the CSR debates, the report will introduce the morale ideas of Aristotle and how the Deutsche Post DHL’s CSR program bases on these ideas. Due to the word limit, this report will not include other morale foundations such as Machiavelli, Rousseau or Locke. The last part will summarize the results before there will be a final conclusion. 4. How does Deutsche Post DHL present its CSR program? In 2006, Deutsche Post DHL introduced a code of conduct which is compulsory in all regions and all departments. â€Å"The key pillars of this code of conduct are respect, tolerance, honesty and candor as well as willingness to assume social responsibility. The guidelines apply to all employees, irrespective of their place in the Groups hierarchy, and to divisions† (Deutsche Post DHL, 2010). Additionally, Deutsche Post DHL has chosen â€Å"Living Responsibility† (Sustainability Report, 2009) as its motto, which ought to symbolize its variety of initiatives in the areas of environmental protection, disaster management and education. â€Å"They are designed to increase the employees’ motivation and their identification with the company as well as to make the group more well-known and respected and to improve its competitive position† (Annual Report, 2009). 4. 1. Environmental Protection Go Green In 2008, Deutsche Post DHL initiated its ambitious GoGreen climate protection program. The company’s goal is to â€Å"reduce CO2 emissions for every letter and parcel sent, every tonne of cargo transported and for every square meter of warehouse space used by 30% by 2020 (compared to our 2007 baseline)† (Deutsche Post DHL, 2010). Since the transport-related CO2 emissions are determined and offset through internal reduction measures and external climate protection projects, Deutsche Post DHL became the first logistics company offering carbon neutral packages. Furthermore, the company invented a pilot project with new transporters which are using less fuel and alternatives to fossil fuels (cf. Deutsche Post DHL, 2010). 4. 2. Disaster Management Go Help Due to comprehensive expertise in logistics and the high profile worldwide, Deutsche Post DHL is well prepared for helping at natural disasters. Deutsche Post DHL’s support focuses on two core areas: Logistics support after natural disasters and disaster preparedness. Primarily, the task of DHL Disaster Response Teams (DRT) is to eliminate shortages in the disaster area. For that reason, trained logistic experts are going into the affected areas and to the airports respectively in order to coordinate activities. These experts see to it that the transport of substantial relief goods such as food, medicine and sanitary articles is ongoing – even if there is no infrastructure (cf.Deutsche Post DHL, 2010).After these teams are requested by the UN-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), they are ready for action within 72 hours. There are three teams, which form a network covering almost all regions in the world that are affected by natural disasters on a regular basis. Furthermore, Deutsche Post DHL supports locals, who are responsible for disaster preparedness. For optimal trainings, Deutsche Po st DHL cooperates with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Together they invented the program Get Airports Ready for Disaster (GARD), which prepares airports to handle the flow of incoming relief goods (cf. Deutsche Post DHL, 2010). 4. 3. Education Programs Go Teach Alongside the focus areas environment and disaster management, education is the third focus area at Deutsche Post DHL. The company believes that â€Å"Education is key to our childrens future and our own success as the worlds leading logistics company and one of the largest employers worldwide† (Deutsche Post DHL, 2010). Therefore, Deutsche Post DHL is cooperating with Teach First Deutschland in Germany. Teach First Deutschland is an initiative launched in 2009. By working in a secondary school for two years as Fellows, outstanding university graduates help to ensure that even children and youths with fewer opportunities get a chance to move up. (cf. Teach First, 2010). Additionally, Deutsche Post DHL wants to encourage its engagements in education all over the world. 5. How does the environment respond to Deutsche Post DHL’s CSR Program? During the past years, Deutsche Post DHL obtained awards and positive critique as well as negative critique for its CSR program and its efforts.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ferdinand Foch - World War I - French Army

Ferdinand Foch - World War I - French Army Marshal Ferdinand Foch was a noted French commander during World War I. Having entered the French Army during the Franco-Prussian War, he remained in the service after the French defeat and was identified as one of the nations best military minds. With the beginning World War I, he played a key role in the First Battle of the Marne and soon rose to army command. Demonstrating an ability to work with the forces from other Allied nations, Foch proved an effective choice to serve as overall commander on the Western Front in March 1918. From this position he directed the defeat of the German Spring Offensives and the series of Allied offensives that ultimately led to the end of the conflict. Early Life Career Born October 2, 1851, at Tarbez, France, Ferdinand Foch was the son of a civil servant. After attending school locally, he entered the Jesuit College at St. Etienne. Resolving to seek a military career at an early age after being enthralled by stories of the Napoleonic Wars by his elder relatives, Foch enlisted in the French Army in 1870 during Franco-Prussian War. Following the French defeat the following year, he elected to remain in the service and began attending the Ècole Polytechnique. Completing his education three years later, he received a commission as a lieutenant in the 24th Artillery. Promoted to captain in 1885, Foch began taking classes at the Ècole Supà ©rieure de Guerre (War College). Graduating two years later, he proved to be one of the best military minds in his class. Fast Facts: Ferdinand Foch Rank: Marshal of FranceService: French ArmyBorn: October 2, 1851 in Tarbes, FranceDied: March 20, 1929 in Paris, FranceParents: Bertrand Jules Napolà ©on Foch and Sophie FochSpouse: Julie Anne Ursule Bienvenà ¼e (m. 1883)Children: Eugene Jules Germain Foch, Anne Marie Gabrielle Jeanne Fournier Foch, Marie Becourt, and Germain FochConflicts: Franco-Prussian War, World War IKnown For: Battle of the Frontiers, First Battle of the Marne, Battle of the Somme, Second Battle of the Marne, Meuse-Argonne Offensive Military Theorist After moving through various postings over the next decade, Foch was invited to return to the Ècole Supà ©rieure de Guerre as an instructor. In his lectures, he became one of the first to thoroughly analyze operations during the Napoleonic and Franco-Prussian Wars. Recognized as Frances most original military thinker of his generation, Foch was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1898. His lectures were later published as On the Principles of War (1903) and On the Conduct of War (1904). Though his teachings advocated for well-developed offensives and attacks, they were later misinterpreted and used to support those who believed in the cult of the offensive during the early days of World War I. Foch remained at the college until 1900, when political machinations saw him forced to return to a line regiment. Promoted to colonel in 1903, Foch became chief of staff for V Corps two years later. In 1907, Foch was elevated to brigadier general and, after brief service with the General Staff of the War Ministry, returned to the Ècole Supà ©rieure de Guerre as commandant. Remaining at the school for four years, he received a promotion to major general in 1911 and lieutenant general two years later. This last promotion brought him command of XX Corps which was stationed at Nancy. Foch was in this post when World War I began in August 1914. Part of General Vicomte de Curià ¨res de Castelnaus Second Army, XX Corps took part in the Battle of the Frontiers. Performing well despite the French defeat, Foch was selected by the French Commander-in-Chief, General Joseph Joffre, to lead the newly-formed Ninth Army. The Marne Race to the Sea Assuming command, Foch moved his men into a gap between the Fourth and Fifth Armies. Taking part in the First Battle of the Marne, Fochs troops halted several German attacks. During the fighting, he famously reported, Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I attack. Counterattacking, Foch pushed the Germans back across the Marne and liberated Chà ¢lons on September 12. With the Germans establishing a new position behind the Aisne River, both sides began the Race to the Sea with the hope of turning the others flank. To aid in coordinating French actions during this phase of the war, Joffre named Foch Assistant Commander-in-Chief on October 4 with responsibility for overseeing the northern French armies and working with the British. Northern Army Group In this role, Foch directed French forces during the First Battle of Ypres later that month. For his efforts, he received an honorary knighthood from King George V. As fighting continued into 1915, he oversaw French efforts during the Artois Offensive that fall. A failure, it gained little ground in exchange for a large number of casualties. In July 1916, Foch commanded French troops during the Battle of the Somme. Severely criticized for the heavy losses sustained by French forces during the course of the battle, Foch was removed from command in December. Sent to Senlis, he was charged with leading a planning group. With the ascent of General Philippe Pà ©tain to Commander-in-Chief in May 1917, Foch was recalled and made Chief of the General Staff. Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies In the fall of 1917, Foch received orders for Italy to aid in re-establishing their lines in the wake of the Battle of Caporetto. The following March, the Germans unleashed the first of their Spring Offensives. With their forces being driven back, Allied leaders met at Doullens on March 26, 1918, and appointed Foch to coordinate the Allied defense. A subsequent meeting at Beauvais in early April saw Foch receive the power to oversee the strategic direction of the war effort. Finally, on April 14, he was named Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies. Halting the Spring Offensives in bitter fighting, Foch was able to defeat the Germans last thrust at the Second Battle of the Marne that summer. For his efforts, he was made a Marshal of France on August 6. With the Germans checked, Foch began planning for a series offensives against the spent enemy. Coordinating with Allied commanders such as Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and General John J. Pershing, he ordered as series of attacks which saw the Allies win clear victories at Amiens and St. Mihiel. In late September, Foch began operations against the Hindenburg Line as offensives began in Meuse-Argonne, Flanders, and Cambrai-St. Quentin. Forcing the Germans to retreat, these assaults ultimately shattered their resistance and led to Germany seeking an armistice. This was granted and the document was signed on Fochs train car in the Forest of Compià ¨gne on November 11. Postwar As peace negotiations moved forward at Versailles in early 1919, Foch argued extensively for the demilitarization and separation of the Rhineland from Germany, as he felt it offered an ideal springboard for future German attacks to the west. Angered by the final peace treaty, which he felt was a capitulation, he stated with great foresight that This is not peace. It is an armistice for 20 years. In the years immediately after the war, he offered assistance to the Poles during Great Poland Uprising and the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. In recognition, Foch was made a Marshal of Poland in 1923. As he had been made an honorary British Field Marshal in 1919, this distinction gave him the rank in three different countries. Fading in influence as the 1920s passed, Foch died on March 20, 1929 and was buried at Les Invalides in Paris.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

World War I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

World War I - Essay Example The first one was between Germany and Austria-Hungary, known as the Dual Alliance. It was followed by the Austro-Serbian Alliance of 1881. Similarly, there was the triple alliance of 1882, the triple entente and Anglo-Russian Entente of 1907, and Entente Cordiale between France and Britain (Tucker 4). Thus, it was impossible for any of these nations to stay away from war if any of their allies declared war. The next important reason was imperialism. The term imperialism means one country taking over another land or territory and imposing its own rule in the new land. The beginning of twentieth century saw the spread of British Empire into all continents. Similarly, France had considerable control over much of Africa. As industrialization set in, countries started aggressively looking for more markets to sell their products. As Germany entered the competition, there was increased rivalry and enmity. In addition, increased militarism also had its role. The term militarism means the inc reased importance given to military by governments. In fact, as a result of the European divide, nations were aggressively engaged in arms race. To illustrate, both France and Germany considerably increased their military size and rivalry rose over sea turf. In order to retain their dominance at sea, Britain introduced their battleship called ‘Dreadnought’. Germans followed suit by introducing their own battleships. In addition, Germany even prepared a plan to attack France through Belgium in case Russia attacked them. Thus, militarism played its role in starting World War I. Another important reason was the rising nationalism. Some examples of this rising feeling were the re-unification of Italy and Germany. While France was angry at the loss of territory to Germany, many areas of Serbia and Austria-Hungary were disturbed by different nationalist groups. In fact, the US was engaged in trade with most of the nations involved in the world war. However, there was higher t rade with Britain and France. Thus, at that time, the US had huge economic investment with both these nations. If they lost the war, they would not be able to pay back the debt, which meant a collapse of the US economy. Secondly, both the nations were purchasing arms from US on credit. So, it was necessary for the US to see that the nations were able to pay for it. Moreover, President wanted to make the world open to democracy. Thus, there arose the general idea that France and Britain were fighting against a threat to democracy. However, one of the most important reasons is the German use of submarine warfare and the sinking of the ship Lusitania killing more than hundred Americans. Furthermore, a telegram from the German foreign secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico was intercepted, translated and sent to America by the British. The telegraph was meant to create an alliance between Germany and Mexico. Under Title 1, section 3 of the Espionage Act, one who makes false report s or false statements could be given even twenty years imprisonment if it was found that the same was done to interfere with the operation of the military. Secondly, under title 12, postmaster general got the legal power to declare a material as un-mailable if it urged treason, or forcible resistance of the law. That means freedom of speech was seriously hampered by this. Another very serious issue was the power given to the president to censor publication of material if found harmful for the nation or useful to the enemy. It all meant that right to speech was impaired by the act. The Seditions Act added a large number of more actions in the prohibited list. It was claimed that ‘

Friday, November 1, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 14

Research Paper Example f Palestine refugee problem, the core issue remains about the â€Å"right of return† for these refugee to their land, which is now part of Israel, recognized by many countries around the globe. The return of these refugees to present Israeli territory would mean giving up the claim of having an exclusive Jewish state by Israel. In addition, there is the religious angle that has significance, when discussing the Palestinian refugee issue. As both Israeli Jews and Palestinians, mostly Muslims, have diverse religious beliefs; neither can digest the idea of Palestinians return to Israeli land, at present. While Israel accepted Jews from Russia and other countries, in huge numbers, the country is averse to accepting Palestinian refugees back. The struggle of refugees thus takes the shape of Holy war for Palestinians, as they ask for returning to their land, which is now Israel. The complex problem can find solution, only after the Palestinians refugees soften their adamant stand on the issue of â€Å"return back† to their homeland, which is now Israel. The age-old concept of Holy war between Muslim Arabs and Jewish Israelis will never solve this problem. After the failure of Arab world war against the establishment of Israeli state, UN took the responsibility of looking after the displaced Arabs, as a result of this war. Accordingly, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established in 1949 for this purpose. However, it is a fact now that the number of such displaced persons, now Palestinian refugees, has gone up many times. While many refugees in the world would like to seek asylum and settlement in prosperous lands across the globe, the case seems to be different here. Therefore, the problem of Palestinians as refugees needs investigating from different angles. However, the solution can become visible only after considering that humanitarian issues should not be dictated by man-made dogmas like religion and